Updated Guidelines for In-Person Worship

Updated June 24, 2021

Given the increasing number of members and friends who are fully vaccinated, Barrington Presbyterian Church can now welcome more people to in-person worship. With the newest loosening of restrictions in Rhode Island for indoor population numbers, the church can comfortably and safely welcome up to 50 people into the sanctuary for Sunday Morning Worship.

For this to be accomplished the following practices will be enacted and/or will continue:

  • Fully vaccinated persons are no longer required to wear masks indoors during in-person activities at the church. Those not vaccinated and/or not fully vaccinated are encouraged to continue wearing masks until they become fully vaccinated.
  • Physical distancing is still encouraged but not required for unrelated persons.
  • The pews in front of the pulpit will continue to be closed to any seating.
  • The patio doors in the Narthex and Hallway will continue to be opened on Sundays to increase the airflow throughout the building.
  • The Offering Plate and Bulletins will be available on the credenza in the Narthex for self-service each Sunday.
  • Communion elements on Communion Sundays will be prepackaged and available for pickup before the start of worship in the Narthex.
  • Cameras, video screens and speakers will continue to be in place so that those in worship and can see, hear and communicate with those attending online
  • In-person coffee fellowship time following the worship service will not be held.
  • All wishing to attend in-person will continue to be expected to monitor their own health and appropriately choose whether it is safe for you and others to attend in-person on any given Sunday.

We remain fully committed to the process of resuming all in-person activities by September 1, 2021.

2019 Autumn Arts & Crafts Festival at Barrington Presbyterian Church

From jewelry and ceramics to ribbon wreaths and 3D origami, our 2019 Autumn Arts & Crafts Festival is coming up on Sat Oct 26 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and it’s going to be great! We’ll have vendors from a variety of arts and crafts disciplines, plus a tart table, a bake sale, and lots of raffles. There will also be a fun maker space for creative kids to explore different art materials and tools.

Come meet the artists and craftspeople, shop for unique handmade objects, and enjoy a lovely fall day with us! It all takes place at Barrington Presbyterian Church, 400 County Road, Barrington 02806.

For more information, please contact Janet at 401 254 6020 or email her at nknits@gmail.com.

Lenten Movie + Discussion Series

Everyone is welcome to come and watch these 3 Lent-themed movies with us and then stay for a discussion. Screenings start at 6:30 pm.

Wed., March 20: “Chocolat” – A French town, complacent in their homogenous, ordered life, is unsettled by a chocolatier who arrives to bring delight, disruption and love in the middle of their Lent.

Wed, April 3: “The Overnighters” – A provocative documentary about a pastor in North Dakota who led his church to follow Christ’s directive to love their neighbors–the desperate, poor, rootless men who flocked to new oil jobs in towns that didn’t want them.

Wed, April 17: “Places in the Heart” – A young widow in segregated, Depression-era Texas fights to save her farm, helped by a blind white man and a poor black man. Their shared struggles culminate in a uniting celebration of Communion, with the community passing each other both the elements and the peace of God.

All movies will be shown in the Graybill Room at the church, with popcorn!